티스토리 뷰



Commonly Used Commands


File and directory related commands
  • ls : lists the files and directories in the current directory
  • cd : changes the current directory
  • pwd : prints the current directory path
  • mkdir : creates a new directory
  • touch : creates a new file or updates the modification time of an existing file
  • rm : deletes a file
  • rmdir : removes an empty directory
  • cp : copies a file or directory
  • mv : moves or renames a file or directory


System information and process related commands
  • top : displays a list of running processes on the system
  • ps : displays a list of processes running for the current user
  • who : displays information about currently logged in users
  • uname : displays system information


Package related commands
  • apt-get : used to install and update packages
  • dpkg : used to manage and install packages
  • apt-cache : used to search for packages
Network related commands
  • ifconfig : displays information about network interfaces
  • ping : checks network connectivity
  • netstat : displays information about network connections
  • traceroute : traces the route taken by packets
  • ssh : used to login to a remote server


Permission related commands
  • chmod : changes the permissions of a file or directory
  • chown : changes the owner of a file or directory
  • chgrp : changes the group ownership of a file or directory

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